Now I'm not hesitant at all to say I REALLY LOVE Presonus Studio One Pro DAW after spending more $$ than I care to admit, on Cubase, Sonar, Ableton, Roland, various I/O Devices.. etc.. The one window idea and straight upload to SoundCloud were pretty much a dream come true for my efficiency wishes.
So I buy the Amplitube Fender, install it.. open up StudioOne Pro 64 Bit.. and Nothing! NADA, ZILCH.. not a single hint of the Amplitube Fender VST, despite pointing at the folders more than once. HMM...? I open up Sonar 8.5 for the 1st time in several months, and shabang.. it's right there and sounds GREAT.. DARNIT! I think.. I really want to use it in StudioOne... HMM.. Standalone..? Do I want to be bouncing around to get this PERFECT SWEET TONE!?!?!
So I read up on the forums and sure enough. I have to used StudioOne in the 32 Bit variety if I want to have Amplitube as a plug in.
A quick install and one activation code less.. Voila! Works great.. and WHOAH.. now all these Sonar Producer edition plugins will work as well..? Really...? COOL!
So Here's the difference... with a pretty boring Chord variation I just pulled out of a song I'm working on.
and here's the Amplitube Fender Clean Twin version
Those are both presets I just picked.. so I'm feeling pretty excited about having all the Fender Amp and Effects Pedals and Cabinets in my arsenal now.
Happy picking, or strummin' or pluckin...
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